
Hardness Test

Testing Methods of Elastomers

Hardness tests are understood as the metrological recordings of hardness on rubber test sheets or finished parts. This hardness is determined by means of a standardised indentor. Hardness tests are probably the most frequently applied and the most common testing method in the elastomer industry.

You can find a detailed description of the most important test methods and their importance for practice in the pdf-document “Fachwissen Härteprüfung 05_2014.“ The article “Fachwissen 100 Jahre ShoreA 12_2015“ gives an overview over the hardness test method ShoreA and its historical development.

Further services:

Hardness and density are fast and easily ascertained. Therefore, they are ideal for incoming goods inspection and testing.

This test indicates how much a seal or a material loses its recovery behaviour after predefined thermal stress.

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100 Years of Shore A

Modern technical literature on elastomer testing contains little on the origin and background of the important basic test types, such as hardness tests.