Expert knowledge on materials, test methods, failure analysis and applications

Prüfverfahren kompakt

Im Fachmagazin DICHT! erscheinen seit der Ausgabe 04/2021 in vierteljährlichem Rhythmus ein- bis zweiseitige Artikel, in welchen die wichtigsten Prüfmethoden einfach erklärt werden. Die DICHT!-Serie unter dem Titel „Prüfverfahren praxisgerecht anwenden“ richtet sich besonders an Dichtungsanwender und behandelt im Wechsel ein klassisches Prüfverfahren und meist darauffolgend eine innovative Weiterentwicklung dieses klassischen Verfahrens.

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Expertise testing procedures

Special issue of the Journal “Dicht!”

Starting with issue 04/2014, a series on limits and possibilities of important test methods for elastomers was published for three consecutive years in the journal DICHT! by O-Ring Prüflabor Richter.

Physical analytics

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Dynamic Differential Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) have become indispensable test methods, both for rubber materials and for finished parts made from elastomers.

100 Years heat aging according to w.c. geer

In 1916, the American W.C. Geer presented his method for accelerated ageing of rubber, which is still practiced in large parts unchanged.

Indispensable Rubber Tests Yesterday and Today

The historical development of the most important basic test methods (tensile test, hardness,heataging, DVR) is briefly introduced while the current O-ring standard ISO 3601-5 demonstrates why these test methods are still indispensable.

100 Years of Shore A

Modern technical literature on elastomer testing contains little on the origin and background of the important basic test types, such as hardness tests.

Identity Verification – Finding Matches

Identity tests allow the conformity of an inspection lot with reference values from sampling or previous deliveries within a defined framework.


Hardness is defined as the resistance that a body sets against a harder penetrating body. The force of the indenter is usually determined in advance.

Compression Set

Elastomers are not ideal elastic materials. If, for example, a seal is deformed over a longer period of time, it will not return to its original shape once the deformation has been removed.

Tensile Set

In the tensile set, the specimen is stretched. It is either a constant strain or a strain under constant load.

Tensile Set

During the tensile test, standardized test specimens (in most cases, so- called "dumbbell bars") are clamped in a tensile testing machine and stretched at a constant feed rate until they tear.

Fachwissen Elastomerprüfwesen

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Expertise Failure Analysis

High permanent deformation

If a seal fails significantly before its age-related service life limit due to a lack of elastic re-deformation, a high permanent deformation is the cause of failure.


Sealing gaps that are too large along with many other causes can trigger extrusion, which is sometimes also referred to as gap intrusion.

Excessive abrasion

This type of damage mainly occurs with dynamic seals and can have many different causes.


Rubber poisons such as copper or manganese can rapidly accelerate elastomer aging. EPDM is often affected by the dezincification of brass in hot water applications.

Incorrect installation

A properly designed installation space is essential for obtaining a functioning seal. Even small details can make the crucial difference

Expolsive decompression and overheating

This type of damage is caused by sudden and severe fluctuations in pressure or temperature and can cause serious damage to the seal.

Assembly damage

This is an often-underestimated cause of damage, although it could be largely avoided by using lubricants and assembly aids. After all, approx. 10% of all seal failures are caused by assembly damage.

Cracks due to manufacturing defects

This is a serious error. It can be caused by inadequate vulcanization, superimposed compounds, impurities, the demolding process, post-processing steps or shrinkage of the material.

Ozone cracks

Although the damaging effect of ozone on many elastomers has been known for over 150 years, it still causes seal failure. Ozone cracking always occurs perpendicular to the direction of stress.

Thermal overloading

Overheating of sealing materials in most cases leads to embrittlement and premature seal failure.

Chemical degradation and swelling

The use of sealing materials in incompatible media can cause chemical degradation or excessive swelling, which should be avoided in any case.

Integral approach to damage analysis

The performance of a damage analysis is not only a matter of material and microscopic examination but also needs to be dealt with systematically.

Expertise O-Rings

Tensile test on rings

The basic standards for the tensile test of elastomers (DIN 53504, ISO 37, ASTM D412 06a) describe also the testing of a few standardized rectangular rings.

State of the arts for o-rings

O-ring failures still occur far too often in practice, partly due to insufficient specification. The new edition of ISO 3601-5 (2015) provides guidance with regard to material standardization.

Better and cheaper – Why this can continue to work with O-Rings

Billions of O-rings work with decreasing procurement prices

The most diverse sealing element of all time

Although O-rings have been used as seals for over 170 years, they are still unbeatable in many technical applications due to their numerous advantages, simple design and reliability

Long – term properties of O-Rings

Although the long-term behavior of O-rings is of great practical importance, the technical literature provides hardly any guidance on how to realistically estimate the load limits of O-rings.

The o-ring as standard part

With the new ISO 3601 Part 5, the O-ring finally becomes a standard part. This article explains the various parts of this O-ring standard.

Evaluation of endurance and aging test results

O-Ring users are constantly faced with the question of sufficient durability.

Sonstiges Fachwissen

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